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About Artist:
While best known as the leader of the most famous rock and roll band in history - the Beatles, John Lennon was also a talented artist who studied at the prestigious Liverpool Art School from 1957 to 1960. John Lennon had several exhibitions of his art during his lifetime including exhibitions of the controversial Bag One Suite of lithographs during 1970 in London, New York, Chicago, Paris and Duseldorf. Some of the John Lennon lithographs were seized by the police at exhibitions in London and Chicago due to their erotic content. The posthumous editions of John Lennon drawings have been published by his widow Yoko Ono since 1986. Limited edition fine art prints of John Lennon art and lyrics are very popular with collectors throughout the world.
John Lennon
Bird Dreaming
- Unknown
- Dimensions: 16" x 15"
- Fine Art Category: prints
- Medium: Serigraph
- Origin: USA
- Price: $6,000.00 AUD