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About Artist:
A multi-award winning artist, Deborah brings to life the expressions of diverse emotions and everyday lessons. Deborah Burdin utilizes fluid whimsical form paired with texture and geometrical shapes meant to build up an emotional yet analytical impression. While employing a variety of mixed media, Deborah will occasionally incorporate found objects into her pieces to harmoniously deliver lush textures and soulful sparkle to her art.
The intent of these works is to beckon viewers to find comforting connections to the expansive emotional world around and within them. To emphasize the intricacy of unique personal experience, Deborah builds a concept over layers. Each layer overlaps peeking through to the next in washes of color with assorted textural elements to emphasize depth of expression and to celebrate vibrancy of personality.
Deborah Burdin
- 2016
- Dimensions: 20" x 20" x 1"
- Fine Art Category: mixed media
- Medium:
- Origin: USA
- Price: $1,600.00 USD