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About Artist:
Born in Naples, 1986
2015 Master in Photography and Visual Design, Naba, Milan
2012 Master degree in Contemporary history of art, University of Naples
2008 Bachelor degree in Conservation of cultural heritage, University of Naples
Selected Exhibitions and Performances
"Out of Expo", Fondazione Forma - Galleria Meravigli, Milan
"IdentitàVSOmologazione", WonderWall Art Gallery, Sorrento
"ArtexArte, dieci talenti vulcanici", performance and expo at Pan Museum, Naples
"ArtexArte, dieci talent vulcanici" Ed. Il Mondo di Suk, book launch, Madre Museum, Naples
"Nymphs", solo exhibition, La Mediterranea Arte, Naples
"Tribute to Elio Washimps", La Mediterranea Arte, Naples
"Incendium", PAN (Palazzo delle arti di Napoli), Naples
"Lampi d’arte", Villa Comunale di Scampia, Naples
"Sottovuoto", Arte Cremona Fiera, Studio Giolli Gallery, Milan
"Make your mark", Impossible project, New York / Vienna
"Il lungomare liberato", Fiorillo Gallery, Naples
"Beyourself", ISO 600 Instant Photography Festival, Milan
"A red lipstick for Convivio", by Vogue, Condè Nast and Mac Cosmetics, Milan
Ludovica Bastianini
- 2014
- Dimensions: 100" x 150"
- Fine Art Category: photography
- Medium:
- Origin: Italy
- Price: €1,500.00 EUR