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About Artist:

KLEVER travelled and exhibited world-wide after being expelled from the former Soviet Union as a politically defiant "non conformist" artist. He had exhibitions all over Europe and US. There are currently several pieces being displayed at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, CA. He had a strong 50 year history of making and displaying amazing art.

 After KLEVER passed in 2013, his children have been applying efforts to make some of his collection of beautiful artwork, public. This is how Klever Art LLC started several years ago. KLEVER always wanted his work to be enjoyed by others. For more information, the website contains a full bio, listing of world-wide exhibits, as well as book/article coverage.

This piece is unframed therefore is very light to ship. Although we are happy to ship anywhere in the world, shipping is not included in purchase price.

Val Klever

Untitled 7428

  • 1980
  • Dimensions: 30" x 22"
  • Fine Art Category: paintings
  • Medium: Acrylic
  • Origin: USA
  • Price: $3,500.00 USD


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