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Benjamin L.M.


  • Rockets artwork by Benjamin LM - art listed for sale on Artplode

About Artist:

Artist from Australia that exhibits mainly in the USA.

One-off figurative and nature paintings, oil or acrylic on canvas, and prints of?abstract and minimal art, made on the iPad.

5 books of poetry written and published by Clear Colours.

5 album covers designed and released with different bands / artists.

2 spoken word and music recordings released.

About Artwork:

The ocean is joined to the sky, it comes from the same place.

Under the everyday blue and blue that we see, there is a spiritual energy field of intense super-colour.

Magic is happening in us, and around us, everyday...


Art inspiration:

German Expressionism, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Italian Futurism, Jean-Michel Basquiat.


Word-title inspiration:

U2, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Leonard Cohen, Swans, Bob Dylan.


Benjamin LM


  • 2003
  • 28 x 20 inches
  • Fine Art Category: paintings
  • Medium: Oil / Canvas
  • Origin: Australia
  • Signed: Signed lower right
  • Comments:

    Mint condition.


    Exhibited twice in Adelaide, SA, Australia where it was "Not For Sale" both times.

    Free postage. ?Ships worldwide.

    Painting for sale Australia
  • Visit Website
  • Price: $1,000.00 AUD
  • Seller: Benjamin L.M., Australia

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  • Artplode ID: 3144
  • Artplode Seller ID: 3349

About Artist:

Artist from Australia that exhibits mainly in the USA.

One-off figurative and nature paintings, oil or acrylic on canvas, and prints of?abstract and minimal art, made on the iPad.

5 books of poetry written and published by Clear Colours.

5 album covers designed and released with different bands / artists.

2 spoken word and music recordings released.

About Artwork:

The ocean is joined to the sky, it comes from the same place.

Under the everyday blue and blue that we see, there is a spiritual energy field of intense super-colour.

Magic is happening in us, and around us, everyday...


Art inspiration:

German Expressionism, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Italian Futurism, Jean-Michel Basquiat.


Word-title inspiration:

U2, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Leonard Cohen, Swans, Bob Dylan.



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