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Tracey Taylor


  • A Good Day artwork by Tracey Taylor - art listed for sale on Artplode
  • A Good Day artwork by Tracey Taylor
  • A Good Day artwork by Tracey Taylor - art listed for sale on Artplode

About Artist:

Tracey has been painting her entire life but has made it her profession in the past 2 years. She paints impressions of the human form- fascinated by the human shape and the emotions it can convey through a simple gesture, tilt of a head or stance. The inspiration for her art comes equally from imagination, the world around her and photos she takes. Her art is bright and colourful with a hint of melancholy- just like life!?

About Artwork:

I capture moments in time. Usually moments of pure joy, because I know how fleeting they are. The couple in this painting have had a good day. They laugh openly with each other, sharing a joke or an experience- before life floods in again and reminds them that things are terribly serious.

Tracey Taylor

A Good Day

  • 2021
  • 120 x 120 cm
  • Fine Art Category: paintings
  • Medium: Acrylic
  • Origin: Australia
  • Certificate of Authenticity: yes
  • Issued by: Tracey Taylor
  • Signed: Signed lower left
  • Comments:

    This is a brand new painting in my new series. I use a combination of different sized squeegies to create subtlety and complexity. It has not been exhibited, as I'm offering it straight to online collectors.

    See my other art for sale on Artplode online art gallery.
  • Price: $1,200.00 AUD
  • Seller: Tracey Taylor, Australia

Contact Seller...

  • Artplode ID: 6547
  • Artplode Seller ID: 18013

About Artist:

Tracey has been painting her entire life but has made it her profession in the past 2 years. She paints impressions of the human form- fascinated by the human shape and the emotions it can convey through a simple gesture, tilt of a head or stance. The inspiration for her art comes equally from imagination, the world around her and photos she takes. Her art is bright and colourful with a hint of melancholy- just like life!?

About Artwork:

I capture moments in time. Usually moments of pure joy, because I know how fleeting they are. The couple in this painting have had a good day. They laugh openly with each other, sharing a joke or an experience- before life floods in again and reminds them that things are terribly serious.


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